These are some testimonials from people who love Aurora D.
我的第一支电动牙刷 太好用了 忍不住想跟你们分享!!!Aurora D. 智能声波电动牙刷拥有5种不同的刷牙模式 – Whitening / Cleaning / Sensitive / Polish / Massage 全面照顾口腔卫生每分钟高达 4 万次声波振动有效洁净牙齿而且一次充电可使用长达 3 个星期哟
AURORA D. SMART SONIC ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH recharge your healthiest smile 😁 Keep your teeth and gums healthy! Aurora D. Smart Sonic Toothbrush is a sonic-powered toothbrush that fulfils every need of yours. 💯 With its ultra-fast vibrations, customisable settings and long-lasting battery life, give your hands a break and give your teeth the care that manual toothbrushes can’t clean.👍
Keep your teeth and gums healthy!Aurora D. Smart Sonic Toothbrush is a sonic-powered toothbrush that fulfils every need of yours. With its ultra-fast vibrations, customisable settings and long-lasting battery life, give your hands a break and give your teeth the care that manual toothbrushes can’t clean
Pertama kali tau Fiza guna electric toothbrush nie. Baru tahu betapa bersihnya gigi kita bila guna. Memang berbeza dari cara manual kita selalu memberus gigi. Selalunya berus gigi biasa akan buatkan gusi kita berdarah kerana memberus dengan kuat. Penggunaan : Caj sekali dan smart sonic toothbrush ini boleh digunakan sehingga 21 hari (untuk rutin memberus 2 kali sehari). Seronok pula memberus gigi sekarang nie. Gigi jadi bersih dan putih. Nak bersihkan celah2 dan dalam gigi pun senang sebab berus dia kecil dan comel.
Hai korang.. pernah ada masalah yang bila berus gigi tapi still rasa tak bersih? Ataupun gosok gigi sampai berdarah?Bamziaf pun selalu hadapi problem yang sama.. tapi korang jgn risau bamziaf akan share Electric Toothbrush yg dpt solve problem korang.. Aurora D. Smart Sonic oleh @aurorad_official . So skrg dgn adanya Aurora D. Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush gigi kita akan lebih bersih, kurangkan plaque & tartar ..paling best sekali charge dpt guna selama 21 hari (2kali sehari)
Finally i got AURORA D’s smart sonic electric toothbrush! I really want to try this because many have used it 🤩. Aurora D’s Sonic Toothbrush has the integration of advanced sonic technology with dental care to build a healthy new habit.
Lighten up and smile more in 2022 with Aurora D. Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush!. With end-rounding design of Dupont BristlesUp to 40,000 Sonic Vibration Per Minute5 Different Brushing Modes for Good Oral HygieneLong-lasting battery life up to 4 weeks2 minutes Smart Timer
世界上的美女大概分两种✌一种是笑容清新自然,给人美好的遐想,让人不由自主的想亲近她💋另一种是不笑的时候很美但是笑起来的时候那一口黄牙,吓退了不少追求者🙊 刷牙这件看似稀松平常的小事其实对我们的生活影响非常大良好的刷牙习惯可以让我们远离各种牙周问题如蛀牙牙结石,以及牙齿发黄等从而增强我们的自信心 绽放最美的笑容😁 🦷AURORA D. 智能电动牙刷透过声波震动的方式将传统牙刷触及不到的藏污轻松地带走,完全不担心刷不干净的问题!只需将刷头轻放在牙齿上慢慢移动即可✔在家也能打造一口健康白牙🦷
I can honestly said that using electronic toothbrush would hits a big different than an ordinary! With just a single charge, Aurora D Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush will give a month of cleaning😍 It also helps for sensitive teeth by using sensitive mode 🦷
Natasya Nazreen
Remember to always recharge yourhealthiest smile✨ My first electric toothbrush, thanksto @aurorad_official ❤ Now, I can keep my teeth cleanerand healthier with Aurora D. SmartSonic Electric Toothbrush.
Jeana Yin
终于找到一款便宜又好用的洗脸仪。用了几天,发现洗脸后的毛孔比较小了,而且精华导入的功能非常实用! 体积小方便携带,握感比其他牌子的洗脸仪好,最重要是能调节震动强度,还有微热的感觉。按摩后,感觉皮肤比较紧实了! 特地用了几天才来评价,很好用,脸上的粉刺,⻆质都可以除掉。。痘痘也明显少了!
It is very comfortable to use on myface. the quality of this massagebrush is very good and the chargingpoint design makes it waterproof.
Vanessa Woo
My first electric toothbrush, thanks to @aurorad_official ❤ Now, I can keep my teeth cleaner and healthier with Aurora D. Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush.
Ong Shu Wen
体积小方便携带,握感比其他牌子的洗脸仪好,最重要是能调节震动强度,还有微热的感觉。按摩后,感觉皮肤比较紧实了! 特地用了几天才来评价,很好用,脸上的粉刺,⻆质都可以除掉。。痘痘也明显少了!